Sharon Wood

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First North American Woman to Reach the Summit of Mount Everest

You won over a normally skeptical crowd of North American and European bond market players with your compelling and thought provoking tale of achievement through teamwork and sheer determination.

RBC Capital Markets Inc.


In 1986 Sharon Wood became the first North American woman to climb Mount Everest and the only woman to do so by a new route and without Sherpa assistance.

Sharon teaches, entertains and inspires with her story of climbing Mount Everest by a new and more difficult route, with fewer resources and, in good style. Good style in the world of elite high altitude climbing is all about accomplishing more with less.

Her story is a testimonial to rendering the impossible possible through exemplary teamwork, leadership and personal spirit.  It is a story about ordinary people achieving extraordinary results.  Sharon effectively conveys both the individual and the team perspective by stressing the importance of her own passion and dreams while fulfilling a role as a member of a team. A team committed to levering every component of their strategy to realize a shared vision. 

Sharon's style is personal and moving.  She uses powerful anecdotes and vivid analogies to convey the elements that parallel the challenges of striving individuals and organizations.  Sharon's authentic, humorous and honest approach evokes listeners to consider the value of their own stories and reflect upon the resources and opportunities that foster personal and team success.  

"Everest – To the Summit and Beyond" is more than just an adventure story, it is a timeless, universal story about human struggle and triumph over adversity. For anyone wanting to be more effective in his or her work or life, Sharon's story is a powerful inspiration.

Presentations Include: 

The Fear Factor

According to sociologist Michael Clarkson, author of Intelligent Fear, we have 66,000 thoughts a day, two thirds of which are negative or fear based. The most successful remedy for fear has been curiosity, wrote Cambridge historian Theodore Zeldin, "It is only curiosity that knows no boundaries which can be effective against fear." Zeldin claims one of science's most important discoveries about fear is "its physical symptoms, in terms of the chemicals produced to defend the body, differ only in degree from those of curiosity." That's why those preoccupied with an absorbing goal "behave as though they were profoundly courageous."

The premise of Sharon's presentation is: Curiosity eclipses fear - our only limitation is our imagination. Through the power of story, she explores some of the essential components of the human condition, risk, fear, curiosity, and the realm of the "profoundly courageous".

The basis for Sharon's beliefs and her ability to reveal and examine both sides of 'experience on the edge' is grounded in her work in the high-risk industries of Helicopter skiing and professional guiding; her recreational pursuits in mountain climbing; and her current challenge of raising two fearless teenage boys.

By recounting her own experiences she evokes the listener's own stories and those yet to unfold, and the elements that lie within them, the desires, fears, obstacles, and sources of support and inspiration to helping self and others realize quality of life.

Sharon's work with worldwide organization, Outward Bound, has been one of her more influential sources. More a movement than an organization, Outward Bound is dedicated to the power of experiential education as a means for self-discovery. Founder, Karl Hahn, rather, self proclaimed 'moving spirit' expressed the essence of Outward Bound's cause was when he said, "We are more than we know. Once we discover this may we never settle for less".

Like Hahn, Sharon believes, "We are more than we know", that through reaching beyond our self-imposed constraints we become more than we know; we become more fulfilled as 'humans being'.

Take a Risk — Live Life!

Through humor, passion and self-disclosure Sharon examines the elements of risk in a variety of endeavors. She draws from her personal experience in mountain climbing, trying new things, public speaking, implementing community and team projects to explore the balance of losses and gains in risk taking.

Risk is often the deterrent to acting on what we need to do to live a more fulfilling life. Sharon espouses the value of selective risk taking as a means to realizing our potential and fulfillment. Anticipation of loss, fear and anxiety are feelings most often associated with risk. Sharon conveys the strategies and essential components she and others have used to push through barriers. She speaks to preparation, a clear vision, discernment, intention and desire as being essential components to minimizing and calculating a risk. Most importantly she speaks to the rewards of being a risk taker and winning in life.



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