Terry O'Reilly

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Host of CBC Radio - The Age of Persuasion

Again many thanks for your wonderful assistance on our Professional Development series. We have had EXCELLENT feedback on your talk- the vendors got the messages and are now reflecting on how they need to shape future thinking!

London Drugs

See video

Terry O'Reilly is the familiar voice -- and the co-writer and co-producer -- behind The Age of Persuasion, the hit CBC radio show about the business, the craft, and the promise of advertising. It draws over 600,000 listeners every week. O'Reilly has won hundreds of national and international awards for his ad work, has been named to Marketing Magazine's Power 100 List, and, in 2009, was inducted into the Marketing Hall of Legends.

Away from the mic, O'Reilly is the co-founder of Pirate Radio & Television, in New York and Toronto, which specializes in the audio production for radio and television commercials. He also hosts sold-out radio seminars, is a recipient of the Les Usherwood Lifetime Achievement Award, given by the advertising industry, and was named as Radio Chair of the Clio Awards in Miami. His book, The Age of Persuasion: How Marketing Ate Our Culture, co-authored with Mike Tennant, will be released by Random House in October, 2009.

Presentations Include:

Green Marketing
A dynamic talk on what it takes to create Green Marketing and Sustainability messages in this age of intense scrutiny. Terry talks about how to avoid accusations of Green Washing and Cause Washing, how to avoid the pitfalls, how Green marketing differs tremendously from brand marketing and how to thoughtfully position a company's sustainability goals. Terry demonstrates his points with great examples from around the world of companies doing it right – and wrong.

Don't Outspend Them, Outsmart Them

In a world where most advertisers don't really have the budgets to trounce the competition, where small advertisers are up against bigger ones, and where not–for–profit communicators struggle to make an impact, there is a way to gain remarkable returns. It just takes a different mindset, some very clever and smart strategies, and an ability to leverage opportunities others don’t see. See amazing campaigns from around the world that outsmarted the competition, while not having to outspend them.

Why Customers Have to Feel, Not Just Understand

If you truly want to connect with your customers, if you truly want to attract potential customers – you must make them feel your message, not just understand it. Most decisions are made 20% with the brain, 80% with the heart, yet most advertising is aimed at the head. Discover how the most effective advertising uses emotion, empathy, and an ability to identify obstacles and tear them down with outstanding creativity.

Changing Perceptions
One of the most difficult tasks marketing can undertake is to change a perception. Maybe the public thinks your product is old and stodgy. Maybe your product has such a troubled history that you can’t attract new business. Maybe your service is perceived to deliver an undesirable benefit, but really delivers another highly appealing one. Maybe the tourism to your city is dropping because of a perception. There is a process to changing behaviour and perceptions, and this presentation demonstrates the ways other advertisers have tackled this difficult problem with extraordinary results.


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