Vince Posente

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Renowned business strategist, Author, Olympian

"I wish I could clone Vince. That way he could motivate my team to excellence every day!"


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Vince Poscente knows a little something about focus, commitment, and defying the odds. At age 26, he decided to take up speed skiing and pursue it competitively. Only 4 years later, he was vying for Gold in the Winter Olympics.

Now an internationally sought speaker and consultant, Vince is the founder of Be Invinceable Group. With his infectious energy, warmth, and humor, Vince makes each keynote speech and consulting engagement as memorable as it is valuable.

Combining lessons from his remarkable Olympic experience with leadership insights from his highly successful business career, Vince has developed a series of proven strategies for attaining and sustaining peak performance, on both an individual and corporate level. Audiences learn how to apply his time-tested techniques to ignite their vision, execute their strategies, and eclipse their competition.

This busy husband and father of three also reserves plenty of time for his family; perhaps it is not surprising that a man who delivers much of his keynote atop a chair would value balance. And, though he may not be clocking in under 16.5 seconds anymore, he still can be found on skis and in a pink suit from time to time. Vince at a Glance (present and past):

  • CEO of a business consulting firm
  • Managing Partner in a Media/Communications agency
  • Master's Degree in Organizational Management
  • CSP, CPAE (Certified Speaking Professional, Council of Peers Award)


Full Speed Ahead

Now is the time to thrive in a world of rapid and unnerving change. Using concepts from his bestselling books, The Age of Speed and The Ant & the Elephant, Vince shares his Olympic experience and the 'speed' model that took him from recreational skier to vying for the Gold in speed skiing in four short years. Give your audience an invigorating perspective that reveals:


  • Leadership strategies for aligning employees with a common mission
  • Competitive agility by "doing what the competition is not willing to do"
  • Eliminating drag on the micro (individual) and macro (team) scales
  • Hands-on-tools to accelerate results in a slowing economy
  • Practical motivation with an against the odds story of "recreational skier to Olympics in four years"
  • Energized fun with Vince's infectious energy, warmth and humour.


Vince delivers an experience that translates into an empowered audience. Renowned business strategist on accelerating change and New York Times bestselling author, Vince Poscente is a master communicator. He knows how to get an audience's attention with practical information made sustainable with his unforgettable story.

The Age of Speed

At the core of Poscente's message about embracing speed is the claim that the continued acceleration of business and life is inevitable. If we cannot stop it, perhaps we should consider putting it to work for us. On a mass scale, we have developed a peculiar love-hate relationship with speed: though we want more, faster, now, we have adopted a mindset that speed is corrosive. In effect, we have decided that though we want speed, we do not like it. Poscente turns that perspective upside down and challenges audiences not to resist acceleration, but instead to turn the momentum of its inevitable rush to their advantage.

Vince shares the research he did for his New York Times best-selling book about how companies and individuals are responding in different ways to the speed of business today.


  • Jets - very agile companies that harness the speed of business and turn it to their advantage
  • Bottle Rockets - companies that embrace speed, are going fast but are not smart about it
  • Zeppelins - companies that resist the speed of business
  • Balloons - companies that have chosen to live outside the age of speed – they don't seek it and they don't need to
  • Unraveling the notion that in today's world we need to slow down, Poscente illustrates why harnessing the power of speed is the ultimate solution for those seeking less stress, less busyness, and more balance.

Who Benefits: Organizations and individuals that are going through major change at a rapid-fire pace will especially benefit from Vince's message.

Eclipse the Competition (Same Day Seminar)

Vince's high-octane keynote, Life in the Fast Lane, sets the stage for increased learning. This seminar provides an in-depth look at his innovative performance strategies. Vince takes your attendees to a whole new level of understanding on these strategies and still entertains. The result - the attainment of your organization's objectives is accelerated.

You Will Learn:

  • How the mind works
  • Why you get the results you get
  • How to 'get out of your own way'
  • Leadership for the self 


Vince Focuses on 5 Key Areas:

1. How to crystallize and clarify your personal and professional vision.

a. Vince gives examples in the corporate landscape where a vision with the "emotional quotient" creates more traction.

b. Each audience member then experiences an interactive exercise in visioning.


2. What it takes to get 100% commitment from you and your people.

a. Your audience and corporate culture will take their commitment to a new level.

b. Vince uses a powerful experience that exposes each person to better and more lasting commitment.


3. The competitive strategies necessary to "win" in today's world.

   a. Designing a compelling vision can be the single greatest take home from Vince's speech.

   b. Focused on the gold dot concept, each member participates and buys into this module.


4. Techniques to build confidence
a. Vince has each audience member engage in a powerful tool to perform at one's best, every time.


5. The importance of and design ideas for peak performance processes.

a. Vince ends the presentation with insights on leadership for the self.

   b. Leading by example is the learning point.




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