Wayne Lee

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"Everyone from our restaurant managers to our vice-presidents enjoyed the show.  It was the best entertainment in years...the whole crowd mesmerized.  We would highly recommend you as a headlining act to anyone who was prepared to have a great time!"

Annette Willoughby, McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Ltd.

See video

Over the years, Wayne has used hypnosis to entertain, excite, and mesmerize thousands of audiences across North America.  He has delivered thousands of shows & presentations, working with thousands of people to explore the unlimited potential of the human mind, and if there's one thing peak performance experts like Wayne Lee agree on, it's that the mind is capable of leading us anywhere.

One of North America's premier Corporate Presenters, Entertainers, and Peak Performance Experts, Wayne Lee is a veteran of thousands of successful shows and presentations, a published author, and mentor to professionals of all walks of life. As a former five-time Canadian amateur wrestling champion and a beloved classroom instructor, Wayne has spent his whole life practicing what he teaches.

Once people realize what's possible when they program their GPS for success, it's as if they become a new person--the person they were meant to be. For employers at organizations, that means increased productivity and teamwork, passion, focus, and a great attitude at work.

For employees, it's an empowering and affirming experience - like being handed the keys to the ride of their lives. Let Wayne Lee guide you down the superhighway to success by fine tuning you and your organizations GPS today.

Performances Include:

Live the Laughter - A Comedic Hypnosis Show......
What does it mean to Live the Laughter? With Wayne lee it means a highly interactive hypnosis show as unique as it is hilarious. It means gut-splitting laughter and improbable scenes acted out by audience members no longer inhibited by their fears.

Wayne invites members of your organization to explore their creativity, engage their passion, and experience increased group synergy - all while having fun! With Wayne Lee's corporate speaking events, you get to experience fun and laughter combined with deep insight into your own creative potential, as you explore the power of your imagination and subconscious mind. Wayne helps individuals and groups get our of their comfort zone and truly become the performer they are meant to be. In this highly energizing and exciting show the audience can either see the show or be the show.

Set Your GPS for Success: Motivational Presentation
Wayne Lee one of North America’s top inspirational speakers and corporate entertainers helps you access and harness the power of your GPS (Great Programmable Subconscious) for peak performance at work and at home. This presentation opens the mind and melts away stress and negative interference, and reveals what’s possible when you program your GPS for success. Deeply engaging, always down-to-earth, Wayne Lee delivers life-changing content and an exhilarating, one-of-a-kind experience.


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